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스타시드 오라클 (The Starseed Oracle)

[스타시드 오라클 해석] 44. Wait (기다림)

by siyeontarot 2024. 8. 16.

It’s not yet time. Things are being woven.


In our fast, loud, reactive, comparative world, where an instant response is so often expected and at times even a currency, it can feel almost impossible to take a breath, let alone give ourselves the space to rest, wait, and reset. We’re so often in overdrive, expecting instantaneous results over and over again. 

And when guidance doesn’t come at these extreme speeds, it can feel as though something’s gone wrong.

But often, not receiving guidance is guidance in itself.

When you ask for guidance and don’t receive it, it can often mean wait. It’s not yet time.

The details are being Woven.

Our challenge is to keep trusting when, on the surface, it appears that nothing’s happening.

To remember that no matter how long or bitter the winter, spring does always come.

To remember that you don’t need to solve all of the world’ problems in a single day – and that perhaps they’ll be better solved with some perspective and a good night’s sleep.

This card is your permission to slip, to slow down, switch off, and rest. You’re being reminded to have patience and to trust the mystery of life.

To trust that things are being woven on your behalf. It may not be happening to the timeline you’d like but if you gather up the patience, it’ll be orchestrated better than you can ever imagine.


Starseed Soul Inquiry:
How can you slow down, be more patient, and wait?


아직 때가 아닙니다. 모든 것이 짜이고 있습니다. 



우리의 빠르고, 시끄럽고, 반응적이며, 비교적인 세계에서는 즉각적인 응답이 너무 자주 기대되고 때로는 심지어 그것이 일종의 통화처럼 여겨지기 때문에 숨을 쉬는 것조차 거의 불가능할 수 있습니다. 휴식을 취하고 기다리고 재설정할 공간을 스스로에게 주는 것이 거의 불가능하게 느껴질 수 있습니다. 우리는 너무 자주 과열 상태에 있으며, 즉각적인 결과를 계속해서 기대합니다. 그리고 지침이 이런 극단적인 속도로 오지 않을 때, 뭔가 잘못된 것처럼 느껴질 수 있습니다.

그러나 종종 지침을 받지 못하는 것이 바로 지침일 때가 있습니다. 지침을 요청했지만 받지 못했을 때, 그것은 기다리라는 의미일 수 있습니다. 아직 때가 아닙니다.

세부 사항들이 짜이고 있습니다.

우리의 도전은, 겉으로는 아무 일도 일어나지 않는 것처럼 보일 때에도 계속 신뢰하는 것입니다. 아무리 길고 고된 겨울이라도, 봄은 항상 온다는 것을 기억하는 것입니다. 세상의 모든 문제를 하루 만에 해결할 필요는 없으며, 오히려 관점을 얻고 푹 자고 나면 더 잘 해결될 수 있다는 것을 기억하는 것입니다.

이 카드는 당신에게 느슨해지고, 속도를 늦추고, 전원을 끄고, 쉬라는 허락을 줍니다. 인내심을 갖고 삶의 신비를 신뢰하라는 상기입니다. 모든 것이 당신을 위해 짜이고 있음을 신뢰하세요. 그것이 당신이 원하는 시간표대로 이루어지지 않을 수도 있지만, 인내심을 모으면 당신이 상상할 수 있는 것보다 더 잘 조율될 것입니다.


스타시드 영혼 탐구:
어떻게 하면 속도를 늦추고, 더 인내심을 갖고, 기다릴 수 있을까요?